Our Beliefs
Find out more about Jesus
Christ and how he
is shaping our future.
Our aim is not perfection but rather growth. If we can grow more like Christ each day, we’ll do great things.
Our Partners

Meals are prepared Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
mornings at a cost of $2.00 per meal.
Make A Difference
St. John’s United Church is a great place
to explore your faith with multi-generational programming for children and adults. Our vibrant worship services include lively singing, a choral choir and handbell choir, and sermons that fill the spirit and challenge the mind.
Our Beliefs

God is love. God invites the world into loving, faithful relationship.
Every person is created in God’s image. This image takes many forms. Every race and ethnicity, economic status, age, ability, citizenship, gender or gender identity, or sexual orientation can be understood as a unique imprint of God. Everyone is loved by God, deserving of the love and respect of others.
Love can be very difficult. Throughout the Bible, the people are called to do better in their love for God and one another. In love, God sent prophets to remind the people to care for one another. Today, love still competes with hatred and apathy.
God sent Jesus Christ for our return to love and justice. Showing us how to live without fear, Jesus gave of himself, to God and to others. Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we can be set free.
The Holy Spirit supports us, and guides the Church, which exists for all people. Families are key to social stability as are close friendships. The church supports friends and families through worship and sacraments, study, prayer, and fellowship. When we fall—when we are lost entirely—we are never truly alone, and we are always loved.
Our Staff

We Support
St. John’s does not just talk the talk but walks the walk of faith. Our outreach to the community includes monthly mission offerings that are designated for different not-for-profits, our youth group’s annual mission trip, and continual support for the Westchester Food Pantry (CLICK HERE) as well as other financial gifts. And every month, a Free Community Dinner is held by our deacons; the meal is open to the public. In addition, St. John’s provides over 8,000 meals annually to elderly and others through Westchester Meals. Come check out this active group of Christian people. For worship, to learn and to grow, and to be sent by God out into the community, St. John’s is the place!
Our church is a safe place for local community groups to meet when in need. We are serious about loving our neighbor! We provide space for, or participate in supporting:
• AA Al-Anon
• Scout Troop 908
• Westchester Meals
• Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry
• Bread for the World